IAC New Year’s Message 2021

The Indian Action Committee (IAC) wishes all Guyanese a Happy and Prosperous New Year. The IAC, in light of the most difficult and mentally strenuous year of 2020 that has just been completed, given the unwelcome presence of COVID-19 throughout the entire period and the highly destabilizing and distasteful events that preceded, accompanied and post-dated the 2020General and Regional...

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IAC congratulates H.E Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali

The Indian Action Committee (IAC) is extremely pleased to congratulate His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali PhD on his accession to the Executive Presidency of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, being the ninth person to hold the highest office of this country. The IAC, a registered non-governmental organization which deals...

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IAC joins call for GECOM to accurately reflect certified recount tabulations – further calls for immediate end to travesty and injustice

IAC Letter to the Editor The Indian Action Committee (IAC) continues to be shocked and outraged at the indecent and illegal actions of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) CEO Keith Lowenfield in producing tabulations that keep changing and are, thus, fraudulent being not in keeping with the recently concluded recount...

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IAC calls on APNU/AFC coalition government to immediately cease its disregard for Guyana’s Constitution

September 20, 2019 In light of the decision and consequential orders of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) handed down in June this year, elections, as triggered by the December 21, 2018, successfully passed no-confidence motion (NCM), should have been held by September 18, 2018, unless there was a vote...

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IAC calls for COI into GECOM employment practice

The Indian Action Committee (IAC), having followed the recent developments at the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), calls for an immediate investigation primarily through a Commission of Inquiry (COI). The IAC is of the firm belief that given what has been made public regarding the issue and the uncertainty which continues...

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