IAC Youman Nabi Message 2018

The Indian Action Committee (IAC) wishes to extend greetings to all Guyanese especially those who are adherents of Islam, on the occasion of Youman Nabi, a national holiday, which commemorates the birth of (and the death) the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Upon Whom Be Peace).

The IAC recognizes that followers of Islam were present in this country since the days of slavery, as many of the enslaved Africans were Muslims.

The IAC also recognizes that new influxes of Muslims to this occurred during the period of indentureship, as approximately one out of every five East Indian immigrants was a follower of the teachings of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Upon Whom Be Peace).

The IAC calls upon all Guyanese to remember the moral pathways outlined by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Upon Whom Be Peace) in which he called upon all mankind to the way of peace and to the belief in supreme being, and thus reminded them of the importance of principles such as faith, repentance, honesty, simplicity, equality and concerned for the dispossessed and the poor.

The IAC, in this significant commemoration of one of the greatest human who ever lived and who preached the value of love, sacrifice and compassion so that our everyday interactions with each other, irrespective of ethnic, religious and class origins, can be positively influenced.

The IAC is therefore pleased to join with Muslims here and worldwide to observe this auspicious day, and urge that special prayers be offered for peace, so that our country can move forward with prosperity.

Happy Youman Nabi from the IAC.