IAC joins call for GECOM to accurately reflect certified recount tabulations – further calls for immediate end to travesty and injustice

IAC Letter to the Editor

The Indian Action Committee (IAC) continues to be shocked and outraged at the indecent and illegal actions of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) CEO Keith Lowenfield in producing tabulations that keep changing and are, thus, fraudulent being not in keeping with the recently concluded recount supervised by CARICOM.

This recount followed an agreement by caretaker President Granger and the Opposition Leader under the supervision of CARICOM. The caretaker President stated that he had confidence in CARICOM which he described as the most appropriate interlocutor even though he denied the Carter Center, which had observed the 2020 elections and has had a presence in Guyana since 1992 when it was instrumental in returning democracy in Guyana, from returning to complete its mission.

The IAC wishes to remind the caretaker President that he promised to respect the recount results certified by GECOM and supervised by CARICOM to declare the winner of these elections.

The IAC joins with the international diplomatic corps present in Guyana, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the OAS, CARICOM leaders, FITUG, the Private Sector Commission, the Muslim Youth Organization, and individual members of civil society, to call upon GECOM to respect the will of the people, to avoid disenfranchising any valid voter, to accurately reflect the certified tabulations of the recount, and to declare the true winner of the elections.

The IAC is in complete agreement with the international observers that the elections were credible and transparent.

The IAC in recognition of the COVID-19 pandemic and the length of time that has elapsed since the No Confidence Motion in November 2018, calls upon GECOM to immediately put an end to this travesty and injustice that has affected all the citizens of Guyana and declare the winner as soon as possible.

The IAC appeals to any of the six GECOM Commissioners to table a motion at GECOM to immediately dismiss GECOM CEO Keith Lowenfield for gross misconduct given the indelible fact that he has continuously violated the rules of GECOM, the direct orders of the GECOM Chairperson, and the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.

The IAC calls upon GECOM, in the absence of a credible report from the GECOM CEO, Keith Lowenfield, to immediately make a declaration of the 2020 Elections Results based on the CARICOM-certified recount tabulation statistics.

Yours sincerely,

Saira Alli

IAC Secretary