IAC Easter Message 2019

The Indian Action Committee (IAC) in recognition that many Guyanese, including a number of persons of Indo-Guyanese origin, are adherents of Christianity, in which a Jewish Carpenter named Yeshua (Jesus), is believed by his followers to be the son of God.

The IAC also recognizes that the followers of Yeshua believe that he was crucified by the Romans acting under the advice of the Jewish religious leaders of that time; and that after his brutal execution managed to regain life and proceed out of his tomb and sometime later made himself visible to his disciples.

The IAC further recognizes that Islam includes Jesus as one of the holy prophets preceding the Prophet Muhammad SWT; but Muslims do not acknowledge that Jesus was the son of God nor that he was crucified.

The IAC understands that Buddhists claim that Jesus was a monk who spent his ‘missing years’ between the ages of 13 and 29 in the Himalayas as a student of sages and that he visited many places in the Indian sub-continent and even Tibet.

The IAC is of the opinion that the teachings of Yeshua are universally held to be good and thus encompasses all of the great religions of the world including Sanatan Dharma.

The IAC acknowledges that festivities will occur on Easter Monday which is characterized by flying of kites and enormous consumption of alcoholic beverages and so, the organization calls upon all revelers to raise their kites in open areas devoid of electrical wires and have regard for the practice of no drinking and driving.

The IAC calls upon all Guyanese to follow the teachings of Yeshua who preached peace on earth, forgiveness and goodwill towards mankind, which are necessary goals for the development of a unified Guyana.

The IAC takes this opportunity to wish Christians of all denominations a solemn Good Friday and a Happy Easter.