IAC Congratulates Iskcon on 50th Anniversary

Press Release
July 12, 2016

The Indian Action Committee (IAC) extends best wishes and congratulates the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), commonly called the Hare Krishna Movement, on the construction of their newest temple at Turkeyen, Georgetown as well as their half century anniversary in Guyana. The IAC welcomes this initiative of having such a sacred temple and their fifth landmark centre located at the Railway Embankment and University of Guyana Road.

The Temple, Nimai-Pandit and Study Centre, will in fact be more than just a place of worship for Guyanese. Since the Hare Krishna movement is not a Hindu-centered organisation, but a movement to unite all Guyanese and promote the message of peace, unity, national wellbeing and God consciousness, the building will be a representation of that idea. The IAC stands firm with ISKCON in promoting peace, brotherhood, education and national unity.

The structure will be 140 by 140 feet, making it the largest temple in all of South America.

On July 11, 1966, Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada officially registered ISKCON in New York. At the time, he had one small storefront on New York’s Lower East-Side, and a handful of students.
Today, there are nearly four hundred ISKCON centers all over the world, and millions of ISKCON devotees. The newest temple is now being added to this larger family. It is the hope of the IAC that these advents will not just bond Guyanese, but people of all walks of life from the Region and even internationally.

The IAC supports the vision and work of ISKCON which is the create a complete Vedic cultural and spiritual house under one roof with workshops, philosophy lectures, chanting, yoga, meditation, art, music, cuisine, ancient spiritual traditions, personality development, character building, counselling and most of all God consciousness.