IAC Arrival Day Message 2019

The Indian Action Committee (IAC) wishes all Guyanese a Happy Arrival Day, and, especially, calls upon all citizens to remember the 181st Anniversary of the Arrival of East Indians to Guyana.

The IAC, an organization which promotes and preserves Indian culture and deals with the issues and concerns of persons of Indo-Guyanese origin, over the years has provided Guyanese with historical information regarding the arrival of just over 239,000 Indian immigrants who came to this country aboard 245 Coolie Ships which made a total of 534 voyages across the Kaalaa Paanii between 1838 and 1917.

The IAC also has clarified and corrected statistical errors pertaining to the arrival of the first two Coolie Ships, the WHITBY and the HESPERUS which, between them landed a total of 423 persons including 382 indentured males, 14 indentured females, 21 children and 6 Christian Anglo- Indian interpreter/ superintendents.

The IAC, as the organization has done over the years continues to recognize the endeavours by these Indian immigrants and their descendants, the persons of Indo- Guyanese origin, to develop this country.

The IAC, which has recognized important contributions by giving awards to persons from Berbice, Demerara, and Essequibo, is aware that tens of thousands of East Indians have made valuable efforts in all fields of human activity in this country including business and commerce; banking and finance; the sugar and rice industries; coconuts and other crops; fishery and livestock; mining and quarrying; forestry and sawmilling; education and academia; medicine and law; journalism and communications; accounting and insurance; private and national security; the hospitality and aviation sectors; the alcohol and beverage industries; sport and entertainment; culture and religion; and politics and governance.

As all Guyanese share in this commemoration, the IAC is cognizant of the sharp downturn in Guyana’s economy over the past few years, evidence being the steadily declining economic growth rate and the worrying fact that the country’s Foreign Currency reserves have dropped about US$400 Million since 2009; and in combination with global economic events, hardships have fallen upon the poor class of Guyanese especially those dislocated in the sugar industry and those in the rice industry that are currently threatened by a major paddy bug infestation.

The IAC is saddened by the surge in criminal activities in recent years and is shocked and horrified, at the almost daily attacks on persons of Indo-Guyanese origin who are being brutalized, traumatized, robbed, and murdered even though the Minister of Public Security a few days ago stated that the country is safe.

The IAC is extremely concerned that, following the No Confidence Motion of December 2018, the country has become dangerously polarized both politically and ethnically resulting in a tremendous rise in anxiety among the Indo-Guyanese population which historically has been continually victimized.

The IAC is of the opinion that the concept of social cohesion as espoused by the Coalition Government is not working in Guyana even though large amounts of tax payer monies have been wasted behind this failed policy. 

The IAC is appalled that the Indian Immigration Monument, which was originally conceptualized by the organization in 2003 and approved by the previous administration with valuable inputs from the IAC, had its initial design and concomitant symbolism unilaterally disposed of; and hijacked by elements which do not have the wellbeing of the Indo-Guyanese at heart.

The IAC wishes to remind all Guyanese that the Indian immigrants arrived in this country almost empty handed, essentially poverty stricken and with a high degree of illiteracy, have bequeathed to this country, descendants who did not remain in that original state but became literate, educated, industrious, wealthy and patriotic.

A Happy Arrival Day to all.