IAC Extends Eid-ul-Adha Mubarak

The Indian Action Committee (IAC) wishes to extend greetings to all Guyanese citizens, especially those who are adherents of Islam, on the sacred occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, a national holiday.

The IAC recognizes that Eid–ul–Adha is a time for believers to learn the value of self- denial by making a sacrifice of the things they love, to Almighty God.

The IAC understands that Prophet Ibrahim’s great act of submission is thus regarded solely as an example of genuine surrender to the will of his creator.

The IAC feels that today, more than ever, human beings need to incorporate the lesson of this great sacrifice with humility thus underlining the importance of the festival in memory of Prophet Ibrahim’s great act of faith, many centuries ago.

The IAC exhorts everyone in the spirit of self-sacrifice to not forget the poor and needy in our community, by sharing the sacrificial offerings with them.

The IAC sincerely hopes that this holy observance can bring people of different religious, ethnic and social backgrounds together in a spirit of national unity.

The IAC recognizes also that the festival of Eid-ul-Adha falls on the third day of Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca which is normally made by millions of Muslims every year. The IAC understands also that due to COVID-19 this year’s Hajj has been restricted.

The IAC, in the realization of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, calls on all Muslims who are going to be actively involved in Eid-ul-Adha activities to take all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of this lethal disease which appears to be gaining strength in South America.

The IAC calls upon all Guyanese to ensure that this country remains a peaceful one and, in the future, a prosperous nation. Eid Mubarak from the IAC.